blindspot virtual performance named top 10 thing to do in boston may 2020

In the COVID-19 era, blindspot adapted to a virtual setting for live performances. See their set for ONCE Somerville’s Virtual Venue Couchfest here: named their set a top 10 thing to do in Boston that weekend:

May 2020

blindspot named "Power Pair" by The Hippo

blindspot was granted the title “Power Pair” by writer Michael Whitthaus in an interview and promotional article in New Hampshire magazine The Hippo. Highlights included past achievements, future goals, and a live appearance by blindspot at The Shaskeen Pub in Manchester, New Hampshire in January 2020.

blindspot releases music video for new single "Upside Down"

blindspot released a brand new music video for new single “Upside Down” on September 13, 2019. The song is the first single from their sophomore EP which is due out in mid 2020. The release was celebrated with a video release show at The Middle East Upstairs in Cambridge, MA that night. It was also the inspiration for their fall tour in October 2019 that followed the release.

“Upside Down:”

blindspot travels on 6th national tour in spring of 2019

blindspot embarked on their sixth national tour in the spring of 2019. They performed in places such as Minneapolis, MN, Kansas City, MO, Chicago, IL, Grand Rapids and Detroit, MI, Atlantic City, NJ, Memphis and Nashville, TN, Louisville, KY, Madison, WI, Des Moines, IA, Lincoln, NE, and others. They consider this one of their most successful tours to date.